Believe it or not, there are actually some great roast dinners south of the Thames.

These are the current best roast dinners in south London:

The Gladstone Arms, Borough

Loved: Everything. Plump, juicy chicken, crispy roast potatoes, fluffy Yorkie and tons of flavour. Indian flavour.

Loathed: Well. Is it a roast dinner? It comes with a spicy sauce - not gravy. Your call I guess.

Rating: 8.47

Year visited: 2022

The Albany, Twickenham

Loved: Gravy was sensational - worth travelling for. Really tender lamb, freshly cooked roasties and yorkie.

Loathed: The vegetables were a bit ordinary, extra gravy came in a thimble.

Rating: 8.38

Year visited: 2021

The Selkirk, Tooting

Loved: Gravy was excellent and they even brought over a shot of gravy for dessert. Carrot and swede mash really creamy, and the un-crispy roast potatoes actually good.

Loathed: Nothing really...except they worked out who I was!

Rating: 8.24

Year visited: 2018

The Abbeville, Clapham

Loved: 6 roast potatoes! And they were all crispy with a hint of thyme. Gravy excellent too, quite thick, a touch of red wine in flavour.

Loathed: Parsnips a little under-cooked, wasn't sure about the tough stick things that allegedly was celeriac.

Rating: 8.16

Year visited: 2018

The Bobbin, Clapham

Loved: Crispy roast potatoes! In London! Tasty crackling, good carrots...

Loathed: Nothing really. Pork belly was good - but I think they could do better.

Rating: 8.12

Year visited: 2022